18 Lakh Students Compete for the 67, 500 (4%) NEET/JEE seats
Getting in the Top 4% Successful Group is Tough
Any Difficult Job Needs Smarter Solution and we have the Smart solution for the Difficult NEET/JEE
Introducing 5-Semester Crash Course for NEET / JEE The Smarter Solution
5-Semester Crash Course Software that gives targeted preparation to make up the knowledge needed to get the high ranks.
Why 5-Semester Crash Course? Why not Coaching Classes another time?
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein
Similarly, it will be a reasonable thinking to change the old preparation method that made the student NEET/JEE Repeater.
Any Challenging Job Needs Smarter Solution, and We have the befitting Smart Solution for the Difficult NEET/JEE.
XI-XII students cram huge syllabus, they retain some and forget some.
Question is, what are forgotten?
Traditional Coaching method is a painstaking way of preparation to revise the entire syllabus to fix a small fraction of forgotten areas
An Artificial Intelligence enriched 5-Semester crash course enhances the basic preparation with
- First, Rapid knowledge evaluation to find What are Forgotten or Not Understood and Need doubt Clearing
- Then, Remediation (Doubt Clearing)
- Finally, Periodic Review and Iterations
How 5 Semester Crash Course Works?
The illustration shows how step by step filtration processes separate the unprepared knowledge units in each Semester for doubt clearing.
Each Semester repeats the filtration process to go deeper into knowledge levels to isolate the smaller and smaller unprepared units.
34 Topics are Reviewed Serially
There are 34 Topics in NEET / JEE syllabus. The software is designed to cover all 34 Topics in each Semester. The telescopic teaching designed to keep the student focused in one area to find and fix the unprepared portions. Thus, 5-Semester Crash Course can cover all 34 Topics in each 49 Day Semester.
Why Equal Importance to All 34 Topics?
NEET / JEE Questions are made from all 34 Topics. However, students tend to visit to their favorite Subjects when they become bored and tired of not seeing good results in their non-favorite Subjects. This system will not allow them to peep into their comfort areas leaving the unfinished preparation. That is the reasons student get uneven preparation Thus, study-bias issues are eliminated. The Crash Course software is designed smartly to give equal time and importance to each Chapter of each Topic of all 3 Subjects.
Retention Enhancement by Review and Iteration
Learning and Forgetting is Human Nature. Rapid learning often affect faster elimination from the memory
.Goal of preparation is Learn Fast and Retain longer the memory.
Iteration is one of a kind of technologies designed to identity what knowledge area are likely to slip from the memory; then brings them up for further reinforcement.
System is designed to pause it regular interval of preparation process, so that students reinforce slipping knowledge units before forgetting. Total 13 Days are allotted for Review and Iteration in every Semester.
Enrollment is open
Crash Course for 2021 NEET / JEE
Repeater – XII Passed Out – BSc. Students
New Semester Starts every week from June