Database at a Glance

Summery of CLEaRS Database (PCMBZ)

SI TC Topic Name Tuts Qns Clue Prin Equa Law Ani Sum TLnk
01 Total PCMBZ 23144 76174 76174 10538 1366 235 106 1034 268873
02 Previous Exam Questions 30424
03 Subjective Questions 8440
04 Presentations 08

Eclears has other features like Named Reactions, Scientists, Constants, Images, Interactive Periodic Table and many more.


SI TC Topic Name Tuts Qns Clue Prin Equa Law Ani Sum TLnk
01 P0 About Physics 08 08 08 07 00 00 00 00 24
02 P1 Mechanics 629 1961 1961 195 155 25 02 44 7342
03 P2 Sound 365 1246 1246 195 48 03 02 23 4447
04 P3 Heat 476 1605 1605 141 66 19 03 27 6029
05 P4 Optics 502 2393 2393 281 107 11 04 35 8297
06 P5 Electricity- Static and Current 410 1345 1345 122 40 08 02 23 5163
07 P6 Electromagnetism 423 1022 1022 180 95 07 02 25 3744
08 P7 Modern Physics 812 2569 2569 334 69 08 03 41 8601
09 P8 Magnetism 210 583 583 85 27 05 01 16 1944
10 P9 AstroPhysics 141 604 604 193 24 03 02 09 1996
10 Total Physics 3976 13336 13336 1733 631 89 21 243 47587


SI TC Topic Name Tuts Qns Clue Prin Equa Law Ani Sum TLnk
01 C0 About Chemistry 15 08 08 02 03 00 00 00 24
02 C1 Organic Chemistry- General 410 1675 1675 260 04 02 01 17 5818
03 C2 Hydrocarbons- Simple and Halogenated 379 1647 1647 320 00 04 04 18 5302
04 C3 Hydrocarbons- Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen 679 3943 3943 601 00 00 00 31 12401
05 C4 Atomic Structure 535 2815 2815 290 26 15 05 20 9585
06 C5 Metals 568 2122 2122 319 00 01 02 20 6895
07 C6 Non-Metals 535 2451 2451 389 00 00 01 16 7659
08 C7 Energetics 222 1105 1105 158 36 09 02 12 4246
09 C8 States of Matter 313 1389 1389 131 14 08 00 21 4728
10 C9 Electrochemistry 245 964 964 158 18 04 01 09 3383
11 CA Equilibrium 184 1228 1228 91 12 05 00 11 4441
12 CB Chemical Kinetics 144 628 628 50 04 04 00 07 2196
13 CC Bio-chemistry 483 1769 1769 244 00 00 01 28 5536
14 CD Surface chemistry 154 858 858 107 00 01 02 11 2697
14 Total Chemistry 4866 22602 22602 3120 117 51 19 221 74911


SI TC Topic Name Tuts Qns Clue Prin Equa Law Ani Sum TLnk
01 M0 About Mathematics 3 8 8 2 0 0 0 0 24
02 M1 Algebra – Numbers – Algebraic operations 613 1604 1604 175 34 3 1 39 5900
03 M2 Algebra – Logics, p & c, binomial theorem, m & d 779 2102 2102 343 36 1 0 25 7621
04 M3 Algebra – Sets, groups, vectors 733 1948 1948 234 50 3 0 47 8707
05 M4 Trigonometry 948 1424 1424 241 114 3 6 20 5936
06 M5 Coordinate geometry 769 1941 1941 254 145 0 3 36 9679
07 M6 Differential calculus 1001 1572 1572 186 66 4 0 34 7197
08 M7 Integral calculus 492 640 640 149 52 1 0 3 3193
09 M8 Applications of calculus and graph theory 578 1138 1138 188 46 7 4 18 5079
10 M9 Statics and Dynamics 397 826 826 120 1 5 0 9 2936
11 MA Statistics 555 1075 1075 170 6 0 0 22 4008
12 MB Maths in life sciences 379 555 555 127 18 7 1 10 2356
12 Total – Mathematics 7247 14833 14833 2189 568 34 16 263 62636


SI TC Topic Name Tuts Qns Clue Prin Equa Law Ani Sum TLnk
01 B0 About Botany 15 13 13 6 0 0 0 0 53
02 B1 Unity of life 504 2348 2348 257 9 8 1 14 7810
03 B2 Diversity of life 124 373 373 62 0 0 0 9 1142
04 B3 Plant taxonomy 909 2561 2561 296 0 0 9 36 8419
05 B4 Continuity of life 432 2379 2379 254 0 8 5 25 8101
06 B5 Multicellularity in plants 267 1512 1512 173 0 4 1 19 4873
07 B6 Ecology 509 2027 2027 285 8 3 6 10 6419
08 B7 Applied botany 372 1115 1115 163 0 0 3 20 3623
09 B8 Plant physiology 323 1111 1111 123 2 9 2 22 3743
10 B9 Reproduction and development in plants 302 1553 1553 174 0 0 0 22 5089
10 Total – Botany 3757 14992 14992 1793 19 32 27 177 49272


SI TC Topic Name Tuts Qns Clue Prin Equa Law Ani Sum TLnk
01 Z0 About Zoology 14 12 12 3 0 0 0 0 37
02 Z1 Living world 175 347 347 101 4 8 1 8 1118
03 Z2 Origin & evolution of life 175 661 661 119 3 9 0 14 2187
04 Z3 Diversity of life 1074 3397 3397 506 1 0 5 21 11131
05 Z6 Animal physiology and structure 986 3837 3837 603 22 4 9 52 12830
06 Z8 Applied Zoology 599 1287 1287 241 1 0 3 19 4285
07 Z9 Reproduction and developmental biology 275 870 870 130 0 6 5 16 2879
07 Total – Zoology 3298 10411 10411 1703 31 27 23 130 34467