TTR System for the teachers to reach Teaching Gold Standard

Society is embracing technology-based teaching aids, and for good reason. CLEaRS, Computerized Learning Evaluation and Remedial System, has ridden the wave of this trend with our innovative approach to computerized learning and feedback; however, despite the success of our tools, we believe that there is simply no substitute for human teaching.
Accepting the significance and impact of human teachers, we propose a powerful solution for Schools and Tutorial programs, based on a fundamental attribute of high-quality education: TTR, Teach-Test-Remediate System.
Most traditional teaching institutions do not have the means to follow a Teach-Test-Remediate model for instruction: the syllabi are too vast, teachers may not have time to assess every concept taught, marking exam papers for every student in every concept is too overwhelming, and finally performing an analysis of test data to determine students’ strengths and needs is near impossible. Taking a class test is not only a huge time commitment on the part of both students and teachers, there is more to it: the purpose of taking tests is to assess students and then to give remedial tutoring-otherwise taking tests would be just a futile effort. But there is simply too much material and too many students to engage in this process with any efficiency.
Until now: CLEaRS introduces a solution for teach-test-remediate that is viable for teachers and schools. CLEaRS is a test-taking software designed to:
- Enable teachers to set up Topic/Chapter -based tests online, without having to write test questions.
- Enable teachers to test students as frequently as they choose.
- Provide students online access to customized tests created by their own teachers.
- Grade students’ tests automatically for teachers.
- Generate reports of whole-class as well as individual student data, so teachers can perceive areas for remediation.
- Provide students remediation and academic support, via tutorials, and more. Let teachers teach-it is what they do best-and leave the knowledge testing to TTR System. Together we can reach the gold standard of teaching.
TTR System is the best interactive teaching aid available in today’s market.
Knowledge gain comparision between Coaching and TTR

HOW (Teach – Test – Remediate) System Works
1. How teachers create homework test for the class students in two minutes?
- TTR provides the homework test creation template
- The template shows the options to select Chapter(s) / Topic of the Subject (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology)
- The template gives the option to select:
- Number Questions
- Difficulty level of the Questions (Easy or Difficult or Very Difficult etc.)
- Test Completion Time allocation,
- Submission Date
2. How students get the same homework test created by the teachers
- TTR sends the Homework Tests to all Students directly
3.How do Teachers get the Test Results?
- TTR System Sends back the Homework test Results to the Teachers automatically.
4. Can a teacher create and send multiple class tests on different Topics at a time summer holidays?
- Yes, Teachers can create and send multiple class tests at a time having different test completion dates.
5. Do the teacher get the test results with performance analysis
- Yes, TTR analyses the performances and sends the test results in a descending order for the teachers to identify the students who still need more attentions.
6. What Students do with the Homework Test
- Students take their Homework Tests sitting at homes.
- TTR System gives the Test Results to the students at the completion of the Tests.
- Test Result shows following:
- The correct / incorrect answers
- Grades of the Test
- A complete analysis of the of knowledge in micro-levels. Thus,
7. How students get remedial learning from TTR?
Providing Remedial Education needs two important components
- Knowledge Evaluation.
- Fulfilling the deficient knowledge by targeted teaching.
When students get the test results after completing the homework tests the first component is taken care of by the TTR System.
TTR System has taken care of the second component by providing a bank of comprehensive remedial learning contents of Higher Secondary Science Subjects.
Moreover, the smart engine of TTR system searches and brings up the proper and relevant contents for clearing doubting as well as Concept clearing Principles.
8. How remedial education helps students?
Students save time and effort to the targeted weak areas instead of studying the entire Chapter when they get the take tests and study with TTR.
Why School / Coaching can not conduct frequent homework test

TTR System prepares and send the test paper in minutes